Cox and Powers, PA, Attorneys at Law, Serving Western Massachusetts

Our Attorneys:

Jennifer E. Cox view bio
Leslie H. Powers view bio


Family Court Decision - 2017
Attorney Powers represented Mother in a custody case. In the middle of that case, Attorney Powers was able to dispose of a grandparent’s visitation action brought by the paternal grandmother with the filing of the Motion to Dismiss.
posted Thu, May 10, 2018

Family Court Decision - 2017
Attorney Powers represented an unmarried Father after the Mother removed the child without notice to Connecticut.
posted Thu, May 10, 2018

Family Court Decision - 2017
posted Thu, May 10, 2018

Criminal Defense Decision - OUI - 2016
Attorney Powers successfully argued that an Operating Under the Influence (second offense) should be dismissed
posted Thu, May 10, 2018

Family Court Decision - 2015
Attorney Powers, after trial, succeeded at getting a 50-50 parenting plan for Father with neither party paying the other support.
posted Thu, May 10, 2018

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Family Court Decision - 2017

This was handled by Attorney Powers. Mother brought Complaints for Contempt and Modification claiming that the Father was liable for thousands of dollars of student loans the Mother had taken out for one child. At trial, the Father successfully argued that he had no input into the choice of college, had no knowledge that the loans were being taken out and that he had already paid approximately $30,000 towards college expenses for three of the children. Additionally there was a fourth child who wanted to attend college. The Father was ultimately ordered to paid $2,500 towards the student loans.